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Royal Exchange, 6 Burton Street, Dawley
Previously known as The Royal Oak.

Burton Street 009 Royal Exchange

I can’t find The Royal Oak in the 1861 Census and nothing before that date, in 1863 Mr. Richard Cock is advertising the Royal Oak, Burton Street, Richard died in 1868 and he’s wife Rosanna (maiden name Skelton) tuck over the pub, she ran the pub until her death on the 14th February 1875.

The pub was put up for auction on the 9th April 1875, but the pub didn’t sell until 1879 when it was sold to Mr. Wright of Ashby-de-la-Zouch, Chairman of the Burton Brewery Company, the price being £1,000.

In December 1879 the Royal Oak Burton Street, Dawley, was being advertised “To Let; not been out of the family since built”. In the 1881 census the pub was still being called The Royal Oak, but it was uninhabited.

Again, in January 1883 The Royal Oak Burton Street, Dawley, was to be auctioned off, it’s description~

Lot 1. – Consists of all that substantially erected Brick-and Tile PUBLIC-HOUSE, called the “Royal Oak” situate fronting Burton Street, Dawley, together with the Yard, Stabling, Carriage House, Piggeries, and large Garden, the whole containing 1,246 square yards or thereabouts, and now in the occupation of Mr. James Wardell.
N.B.– The Premises are situate in one of the best positions in the town for business, and are commodious and in a good state of repair. The house comprises large Bar, Club-room, Parlour, Tap-room, 3 Bedrooms. Kitchens, Brewhouse, and first-class Cellaring. There is also a good supply of spring and soft water, with large tank.

In Kelly's directory 1885 Samuel Poole is advertising as a beer retailer, Burton street, Dawley (no pub name).

In the Wellington Journal - Saturday 23 November 1889, I found an add for a HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE auction to be held at The Royal Exchange, Burton Street, Dawley.

This is the first time I have found the name “Royal Exchange” being used.

Samuel Poole died on the 16th January 1906, and again the pub with other properties and Gas shares were to be auctioned – Wellington Journal - Saturday 21 April 1906



Are instructed by the Executors of the late Mr. Samuel Poole to SELL by AUCTION, at the Elephant and Castle Hotel, Dawley, Salop, on TUESDAY, MAY 1st, 1906, at 6 p.m., in Eight Lots or otherwise, and subject to Conditions, the Following FREEHOLD PROPERTIES, viz. :–

LOT 1.

All that Brick-and-Tile-built DWELLING- HOUSE, with Out-offices and Garden thereto belonging, situate off Station Road, Horsehay, in the occupation of Mr. Wm Hurd, at the yearly rent of £9 2s.

LOT 2.

All that most substantially-erected and well-known FREE BEERHOUS, with the WINE LICENSE, called the ROYAL EXCHANGE INN, situate in and having a frontage thereto of 38 ¼ feet to Burton Street, Dawley, together with the neatly-laid-out Garden adjoining, with Three Greenhouses thereon, having a frontage of 96 ½ feet to the said street, and containing in the whole 1,246 square yards or there- abouts. The House contains Bar, Tap-room, Large Kitchen, Sitting-room, Two Cellars, Five Bedrooms, and Box- room The Outside Premises comprise Wash-house, Two Coal-houses, Large Brewhouse with Malt-room over, Wood-erected Bottling-room, Store-room, Two-stall Stable with Loft over, Coach-house, Saddle-room with Room over, Covered Cart Shed, Piggeries, and En- closed Yard. The Premises are in a good state of repair, well supplied with hard and soft water, and there is every convenience for carrying on an extensive trade.

LOT 3.

All that Brick-and-Tile-built Double-Fronted DWELLING-HOUSE, with Out-offices and Garden thereto belonging, situate in George Street, Dawley, in the occupation of Mr. J. Lavender, at the yearly rental of £10 8s. : together with the Brick-and-Tile COTTAGE adjoining, occupied by Mr. George Rowley, at a rental of £4 11s.

LOT 4.

A Piece of GARDEN GROUND, situate opposite to the last Lot, and containing 558 square yards or thereabouts, in the occupation of Mr. R. Nickless.

LOT 5.

All that Conveniently-arranged DWELLING- HOUSE, with Large Double-Fronted SHOP, with the Bakehouse (with Two Ovens), Stabling, and other Buildings at the rear thereof, situate in High Street, Dawley, and having a frontage thereto of 41 feet. There is a Back Entrance from Chapel Street. The House contains Four Large Bedrooms, Two Sitting-rooms, Kitchen, Brewhouse, and capital Cellaring. The Premises, which are well supplied with water, are centrally situated, and are well adapted for carrying on a large business.

LOT 6.

All those THREE Brick-and-Tile-built COTTAGES, with Out-offices and large Gardens thereto belonging, situate at The Finger, Dawley, occupied by Messrs. Hart, Pickering, and Gregory, and producing a gross annual rental of £16 11s 6d.

LOT 7.

All those TWO Brick-and-Tile-built COTTAGES, with Out-offices and large Gardens thereto belonging, situate at Bank Road, Dawley, occupied by Messrs. Cadwallader and Bailey, and producing a gross rental of £15 12s.

LOT 8.

On application at the Royal Exchange Inn, Dawley, Mr. W. H. J. POOLE will appoint a Person to show the Lots; and further particulars may be obtained from the Auctioneers, Wellington; or from MR. JAMES LEAKE, SOLICITOR, Shifnal and Oaken- gates, Salop.

Samuel’s son William Henry James Poole tuck over the pub.